2010- Lecturer (part time) and supervisor (ground- and BA-level) in Archaeology and Ancient history, Uppsala university.
2015 Ph.D. in Archaeology and Ancient history, Uppsala University.
2006 MA in Archaeology and Ancient history, Uppsala University.
2003 BA in History of Religion, Uppsala University.
2001 Studies in Italian at DILIT international house, Rome, Italy.
1998 Studies in French at Eurocentre, Paris, France.

EMPLOYMENTS (selected)
2009-2015 Employed as PhD candidate at the Department of Archaeology and
Ancient history, Uppsala University.
2006-2008 The museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern art, Stockholm.

2006 Prima Porta, Rome with Dr Allan Klynne.
2005 The Swedish Pompeii project with Prof Anne-Marie Leander Touati.

Paper given at the wokshop ”Livia’s room in context”, at the Norwegian Institute at Rome, 25-26 february 2019. ”What about the music-making in Livia’s room?”. See.

Paper given at the annual meeting of the AIA- Archaeological institute of America, in Boston January 4, 2018, in the panel ”Musical instruments as votive gifts”. Joint paper with Jenny Högström Berntsson: ”Gender aspects on ritual auloi playing”.

Paper given at the conference ”Hierarchy and Equality- representations of sex/gender in the Ancient world”, Athens 11-13/9 2016: ”Music-making that defies hierarchical structures? A woman cithara-player from Ancona”.

Paper given at the conference ”Gender and Music: Practices, Performances, Politics”, Örebro 16-18/3 2016: “Musical gender inequalities in Ancient Rome. A long living ‘tradition’”.

Paper given at the conference ”Collegium Hyperboreum”, Copenhagen 11-13/11-2015: ”Musicerande i den romerska familjekontexten: en privat angelägenhet eller en statusmarkering?” (Music-making in the Roman family context: a private matter or status marker?).

Paper given at the ”Nordiska kvinno- och genushistorikermötet 2015” (arranged by SKOGH, women- and gender historians of Sweden), Stockholm 20/8-15: “Förföriska musor: kvinnors musicerande i antikens Rom” (Seductive muses: women’s music-making in Ancient Rome).

Paper given at the ”Arachne-conference” in Tampere, Finland, 23-24/10-14: “The importance of age for music making women in Rome”.

Paper given at ”SAMEC- Sounds and music in early contexts”, Uppsala University, 21/5-13, “Women musicians in Rome- Skilled and Seductive”.

Paper given at the ”Arachne-konference” in Göteborg, 24-26/10-12: “Music making in Rome, a business for women?”